Cancellation Policies:

  • I understand that life happens. Always reach out directly if you need to cancel. Email me at

  • Cancellation of services will be charged in full unless made 24 hours prior to our session.

  • No refunds for workshops or classes.

  • No cancellations or refunds once my work is delivered.


Can I use my Insurance for these services?

These are not considered therapy sessions and therefore, insurance does not cover this work.

Do I have to come to every class?

Ideally, yes. It really is best if you can. If you need to miss a class we will discuss that on an individual basis.

If I miss classes from a group will there be a refund?

No, I do not give refunds for missed classes.

Are classes for all ages?

Currently, SSP/Zentangle groups are only available for adults. Contact me directly if interested in Zentangle classes for children.

Can I arrange for SSP/Zentangle for my children or my family?

Yes, please email me. My email is