My gatherings create a safe, compassionate space for healing and growth. The shared experience of discovering supportive strategies to walk your journey in peace moves you on your life path. These are supportive for children, adults, families and professionals.

Take a look at the various options below. I am always happy to connect about which one will best fit your needs.

Private Group Gatherings are available. If you gather 5 people to join , you join the workshop for free as the 6th participant. I work with groups such as friends, family, school, business, senior living, and assisted living. Imagine the possibilities.

Music Listening, Play and Zentangle™ Gathering.

This group is designed to support you in addressing stress, anxiety, exhaustion, lack of focus and really anything that is holding you back. Through the Safe and Sound Protocol of listening to filtered music to support the regulation of your nervous system you will begin to experiences shifts and feel better, become less reactive, move through your day more focused and well rested. I have found that combining SSP with Zentangle™makes for a peaceful connection. Zentangle™ is a mediative, doodling art that anyone can do.

Learn more about Safe and Sound Protocol by clicking the button below.

“Cindy’s SSP and Zentangle group was a beautiful experience. I found that “tangling” while allowing the SSP music to reset my nervous system was a great help. I found myself soothed and better able to regulate my emotions and body’s responses to stress.”

The Music Listening (SSP), Playful Interaction and Zentangle™ Gathering is held online, via Zoom. Each one is limited to 20 participants. We will meet for seven one hour sessions. Final session is at least a month after we finish listening for a wrap up session to see bring attention to changes that have occurred over time. Sessions include listening to filtered music and learning Zentangle™. One class will be Zentangle™ lesson, five classes are listening as a group with time for discussion and questions - Final meeting with be sharing of experiences and noticing together as you celebrate any changes. You will also listen to five sessions on your own time. In each session, you “tangle” as you listen and interact playfully. Join a workshop on your own, with friends or family. I create a supportive, compassionate space for healing. The cost for a SSP & Zentangle™ Workshop is $300/person. You will order your Zentangle™supplies via by clicking here.

The scheduled is noted below.

To join a workshop click the purple button below to pay and sign up for the Music Listening (SSP) and Zentangle™Group. You will be connected to PayPal. Please pay the group fee of $300 and note which Month/Group you are joining.

Music Listening (SSP), Playful Interacting & Zentangle Schedule

(via Zoom)

PAYMENT: Venmo: Cindy Mitchell Perkins @CMP24

Paypal: Cindy Perkins@CindyPerkins995



  • Just seven meetings and a short time on your own to change how you feel and respond to the world you live in!!

  • GROUP TIMES TO BE ARRANGED AS INTEREST EVOLVES (see cover page for current dates)


    To be Determined about a month out at a convenient time for all.

More Posted as they become available!

Zentangle™ and Grief Group.

As I went through the anniversary of losing my daughter this year (27 years ago), I began working on a tile to honor her memory.

It is still a work in progress.  I started with some regular square tiles and tried different ideas.  Once I had some idea what I wanted to do I began working on an Opus tile (10 x 10). My progression is below. If you have lost a loved one and would like to remember them through the creation of a beautiful tile, join us.  We will learn a few beginning Tangles and then start thinking about what we want to create.  We will make a small version with our ideas, which will likely change as we move through the process of creating a larger tile. Remember anyone can do this and there are NO mistakes in Zentangle.

The Zentangle™ and Grief workshop is held online, via Zoom. This workshop consists of 6 sessions.

Join a workshop on your own, with friends or family. I create a supportive, compassionate space for healing. The cost for a Zentangle™ and Grief Workshop is $150/per person. Additional Zentangle™supplies will need to be ordered separately.

To join a workshop or create your own, email Cindy by clicking the button below.

Zentangle™ and Grief Schedule.

Zentangle™ and Grief Groups held via Zoom

  • Dates To Be Determined as five or more people are gathered for group

  • $150/per person

Heart Groups

TIME : TBD 5 or more needed for group to start

We will create a beautiful heart to represent our best selves after we explore our own hearts, learn a few tangles and do fun activities together.  email Cindy to sign up.

Payment is Venmo Cindy Mitchell Perkins@CMP24

What People Are Saying


“This has been the longest stretch of time without restless legs at night since I can remember.  And it started with SSP, in fact very early into the listening.  At first I just thought I was sleeping better, but then I realized it was way more than that! 

The best gift. I am amazed.

Cindy has been so supportive in the process and attentive to the feedback from the sessions.  She genuinely wants to make it work for each individual and is invested the results.  All told, I’m happy to be able to participate!”

— Jenn Shaffer


“... the music relaxes . . .the changes seem subtle  . . .like washing diapers. . .seems like you have been washing them forever and then one day you notice that you haven’t been and it didn’t happen all at once but gradually over time.  …..feeling a bit more energy …..feeling a bit less worried”

— Anonymous

“Cindy has the most impressive and playful gift of kindness of support which brought the SSP experience to a fullness of joy for me.  I noticed a shift in my ease of memory as well as a feeling of balance.  I really just wanted to continue in this process.”

— Maryann Russell


“. . .These last few weeks, I have felt a sense of well being that I don’t know if I have ever felt on such a consistent basis.”

— Anonymous

“I have been more playful and fun since listening to the SSP, than I remember ever being”. - Anonymous

“ I enjoyed being in busy city over the holidays instead of being stressed and anxious the entire time.” -Anonymous